The image above gives a little taster of the kind of songs I will be discussing in my talk entitled ‘JOY to great Caesar: Origins and Influence of Popular Songs on Farinel’s Ground in late Seventeenth-Century England’. My paper will tie in nicely with my forthcoming article on Farinel's Ground (the English folia) in the journal Early Music (watch this space)! Both the article and the talk are results of a detailed study of folias in English sources from the late 17th century. Although the most famous folia is doubtless that concluding Corelli's op. 5 violin sonatas (published 1700), I'm sure you'll notice the resemblance to the much earlier piece by Michel Farinel (first published 1684).
I'm very grateful to the conference committee for making it possible for this conference to go ahead online, when two other conferences I was meant to speak at in the summer had to be postponed until next year. The conference has an exciting series of paper sessions that can be viewed HERE.
Please do ask me if you have questions regarding this paper!